Sunday, 26 December 2010

Time off

Just before Thanksgiving my boss did our evaluations. I work for a non profit organization and it's been pretty slim donations so I was asked to voluntarily reduce my hours. They wanted my room partner and I to reduce our hours so Tony took another 2 off and I lost 4. He suggested leaving early on Friday or coming in late on Monday.. Coming in late would make me not want to go to work at all but leaving early sounded okay. So the beginning of Dec. I went from 40 to 36 hours. It's not much but when you put out $355 for insurance the $120 I'm loosing could be tough when Ben has slow days.

Last week my boss talked to me about my hours and my vacation and said if it got to bad for me we could go back to 40. The reduced hours is only suppose to be temporary for a couple months.

So far I haven't been able to enjoy my Friday afternoon..have had errands for Christmas but I'm sure they will be nice next month. I would like to take the afternoon and maybe see a movie. I like going to the movie with the kids and Ben but it takes a couple hours out of my day and I sometimes feel guilty but on Friday it's free time so taking a couple hours for a movie would make it sort of a special day for me. We'll see how long it really lasts.


  1. Hopefully not too long! That's a lot to lose.

  2. Starting in Dec, which is my husbands slow month was a little tricky so we'll see how the next couple go. At least I'm not upper managment, they got their salary's cut 8% and still work the same hours as before.
