Tuesday 26 January 2010

Lucy's done

Well, I finally finished the binding last night and if I'm not tooting my own horn, it looks pretty good. Busy but good. I need to take a picture and post next. My son was using the camera to take pictures of his model for school.. That does come first.

Now to decide what will be next. I bought a kit called Summer Serenity designed by Toni Whittney from Big Fork Bay Cotton Company of a Moose Head a couple years ago but have not been into working on it. I want something to do with my hands at night and I think this might be time to make my moose.

If you want to see what the pattern really looks like you can go into Quiltshops.com and type in moose applique patterns or Summer Serenity and it will bring up a bunch. Will have to really see how brave I am when it comes down to getting started.

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