Monday, 15 February 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Well, with the 3-day weekend came a lot of busy work. I'm wanting to clean out the garage and get rid of a lot of unwanted stuff. I had been checking into a drop box to be able to junk it all at once but it was so expensive. When I talked to the Maintenance Manager at work I found out they were given permission to work for employees. So I found out if I get it all together they will bring the big truck and haul it all to the dump for less than $75. Almost a quarter of what it would have cost me to have something dropped. It's hard for me to do it alone so on Sunday Ben and I went through several boxes and took a load to a friends dumpster (not something we can do all the time). This gave us a bunch of big empty boxes that I can use when going through other stuff. I have spring vacation week off so if I get my act together I can have it ready for them to pick up one of those days or even sooner if lucky.

Because Ben was so good to help, I made meatloaf and real mashed potatoes for dinner. When they came in to dish up their dinner they both thought I was crazy because the meatloaf was in the shape of a heart. Well, it is Valentine's day.

Then for dessert I made a small devils food cake...also in the shape of a heart. It turned out really good.

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